Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bangbross Online Free

Charolais & cake at the Cardamom - Cardamom Cake & Charols

Every weekend, I'm racking my brains to find the taste that I could do for my daughter for the week ahead. In general, I make a cake or cookies and nothing left on Wednesday night. Sunday I was looking for something to bake and I turned to this book . I have some books in this collection and the recipes are quite easy and INRAtion. I recently read a blog the recipe for "Hot milk sponge" and I remembered that I was doing cake many times before and there was a recipe in this book. For flavor, I put oil of cardamom and I sprinkled the dough with roasted tcharolis. I used tcharolis here where there are links to some explanation. This cake is very moist and more as it rises evenly, it is very suitable as a basis for glazes.

Cake Charolais and cardamom
Ingredients (1 cup = 250ml)
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
4 tbsp (¼ cup) butter
2 teaspoon baking powder ¼
tsp salt 4 eggs
50g tcharlois
4 drops of oil of cardamom (or ½ teaspoon ground cardamom)
Boil the milk, melt the butter then add the cardomome.
Sift together flour, salt, yeast.
Whisk together sugar and eggs until the mixture thickens.
Add alternately flour mixture and milk in three to four times.
Pour into a mold of 23cm and tap it on the table to avoid air bubbles.
tcharlois Sprinkle over the entire surface of cake.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.


Every weekend, I have to search for a tea-time snack that I can make for my daughter for the week. Generally, I make a cake or biscuits and there’s nothing left on Wednesday evening. Last Sunday, I was looking for something to bake and I turned to this book . I have a few of the books in this series and I find the recipes easy to make and always a success. I recent read the recipe of Hot Milk Sponge on a blog and I remembered that I often made this recipe and that this book had one of them. For the flavours, I used cardamom oil and I sprinkled the dough with toasted charoli nuts. I have another recipe with charolis here where I had put in links for some explanation. This cake is very moist and soft and it since it rises evenly, it’s great as a base for cakes to be iced.

Cardamom & Charoli Cake
Ingredients (1 cup=250ml)
2 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
4 tbsp (¼ cup) butter
2 tsp baking pd
¼ tsp salt
4 eggs
50g charolis
Method :
Boil the milk, melt the butter therein and add the cardamom.
Sift flour, salt and the baking powder.
Whip the sugar with the eggs till really thick.
Add, alternating the flour and the milk mixtures in three or four times.
Pour in a 23 cm (9”) mould and tap it on the table to remove air bubbles.
Sprinkle charolis all over the surface of the dough.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for around 40 minutes.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Denise Milani Look-alikes

Lenses mung beans with dill - Shepu moong dal

is when I arrived in Europe, I learned that dill is used as a herb. Earlier, in India, I have always cooked with other vegetables, never alone. We made alliances with dill potatoes, spinach, radishes, lentils, as I did in this recipe or with many other vegetables.

I saw beautiful and big boots in the grocer and as I needed it for another recipe, I had taken two. I had already planned to make this recipe with remaining dill. My family loved it - dill goes well with lentils giving freshness to the dish and the green mango adds a touch of acidity (add tamarind or lemon juice as well). I also added canned tomatoes remained. There are several layers of flavor that follow one after another.

Lenses mung beans with dill
ingredients (1 cup = 250ml)
1 cup lentils, mung beans (moong dal)
1-2 cups of dill, chopped
1 shallot, chopped 1 clove
garlic, minced
3 cm ginger, grated 2 small
green mangoes, diced (or 1 tbsp tamarind soaked in 1 cup hot water to 15m)
1 tsp chilli powder ½ tsp
Salt and freshly ground pepper 1 tsp
Ajwain 1 pinch asafetida
1 tbsp oil
½ cup of canned tomatoes (optional) Method
Soak lentils in water for 30m (if you have time, otherwise it will just take a little longer to cook).
Heat oil and add the asafoetida and ajwain. Y
brown the shallots, garlic and ginger.
Add tomatoes if you use it.
Put the remaining spices and stir for a few moments and then add the other ingredients.
Add a little water, if necessary, and cook covered for about twenty minutes.
Servir avec du riz ou en accompagnement avec un steak.


It’s only when I arrived in Europe that I learnt that dill is used as a herb. Earlier, in India, I always cooked it accompanied with other vegetables, never alone. We make alliances like dill with potatoes, spinach, radish, lentils like I did, and many more vegetables.

I saw these beautiful and huge bunches of dill and since I needed some for another recipe, I bought two of them. I had planned to make this recipe with the left over dill. My family loved it – dill goes very well with the lentils giving it a certain freshness and the green mango added a note of acidity (you could also use tamarind or lemon juice). I added some canned tomatoes since I had some on hand to use up. There were several layers of taste that came on one after the other.

Shepu moong dal
Ingredients (1 cup = 250ml)
1 cup of moong dal
1-2 cups of chopped dill
1 shallot
1 clove of garlic, chopped
3 cm of ginger, grated
2 small green mangoes, chopped (or 1tbps of tamarind soaked in 1 cup of hot water for 15m)
1 tsp chilli pd
½ tsp turmeric
Salt and freshly milled pepper
1 tps ajwain
A pinch of asafoetida
1 tbsp oil
½ cup tinned tomatoes (optional)
Method :
Soak the lentils for 30m (if you have the time or else it’ll just take a little longer to cook).
Heat oil and add the asafoetida and ajwain.
Put in the shallot, garlic and ginger and fry to golden then add in the tomatoes, if used.
Put in the remaining spices and a few seconds later, put in the other ingredients.
Add some water, if needed and cook covered for about 20 minutes.
Serve with rice or as to accompany a steak.